

Heero Yuy

Duo Maxwell

Trowa Barton

Quatre Raberba Winner

Chang Wufei

Relena Peacecraft

Zechs Merquise

Lucrezia Noin

Lady Une

Trieze Khushrenada

Hilde Schbeiker

Sally Po

Dorothy Catelonia

Catherine Bloom






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Mission: Pass-It-On






Operation Meteor: The space colonists' plan for revenge against the Alliance and the secret society which controls it. The operation is launched on April 7, AC 195- twenty years to the day after OZ assassins killed colony leader Heero Yuy. As part of Operation Meteor five advanced Gundam mobile suits are sent to Earth, disquised as shooting stars, to wage guerilla war against the Alliance military.


OZ: As a corporate subsidary of the Romefeller Foundation, OZ developed the first military mobile suits. Around AC 175. OZ was refashioned into a secret society, dedicated to carrying out Romefeller Foundation's plans. Most of the Specials are in fact OZ members, and through thiselite fighting force, OZ has inflicted the Alliance military and influenced its policies.


Romefeller Foundation: An industrial combine controlled by European aristocrats, which develops and produces the Alliance's mobile suits. The Romefeller Foundation is also a major financial backer of the Alliance, and through the secret society OZ- disquised as the elite "Specials" force- it secretly manipulates the Alliance for its own purposes.


Special Mobile Suit Corps ("Specials"):An elite branch of the Alliance military, made up of Romefeller Foundation employees. The Specials were established in AC 176 as the Alliance's first mobile suit force. Though other military branches have adopted mobile suits over the last twenty years, the Specials still have the most advanced equipment, training, and tactics.

Sweeper Group: An elite branch of the Alliance military, made up of Romefeller Foundation employees. The Specials were established in AC 176 as the Alliance's first mobile suit force. Though other military branches have adopted mobile suits over the last twenty years, the Specials still have the most advanced equipment, training, and tactics.

United Earth Sphere Alliance: The world government that rules Earth and its space colonies. Established in AC 133, after decades of warfare between Earth's nations, the Alliance was created to unify the human race in peace and prosperity. From the beginning, however, the Alliance used military force to accomplish its noble goals. Now, after decades of crushing rogue nations and bullying the space colonies, it's widely despised as a repressive dictatorship.




Beam cannon: Far more powerful than a beam rifle, this heavy weapon fires a wide beam of slow-moving particles that can destroy even Gundanium armor.

Beam rifle: This particle beam weapon is part of the standard mobile suit arsenal. It fires a narrow beam that can pierce most conventional armor. Beam rifles are powered by replaceable energy packs, which hold enough stored power for roughly twenty shots.

Buster rifle: The main weapon of the Wing Gundam, which can fire either a narrow beam akin to that of a beam rifle, or a huge blast like that of a beam cannon. Its energy supply allows only three shots in the latter mode.

Beam saber: A close-combat weapon used by both the Alliance's Leo mobile suit and many of the Gundams. It generates an energy blade that can cleave through a normal mobile suit with a single blow.

Dobergun: A shell-firing cannon used by the Alliance's Leo mobile suit. Its immense recoil makes it difficult to handle, but it's one of the most powerful weapons available for the Leo.

Hyper jammer: A stealth device used by the Gundam Deathscythe. The hyper jammer emits mysterious particles that scramble enemy cameras, making the Gundam invisible to visual sensors as well as radar.

Gundam: An advanced mobile suit made entirely from Gundanium alloy, from which it derives it name. Thanks to its Gundanium construction, a Gundam is not only virtually indestructible, but is also invisible to radar and thus can only be detected at close range. Five Gundams were created by rebel space colonists for use in Operation Meteor, with firepower and performance far surpassing that of the Alliance's mass-produced mobile suits.

Gundanium alloy: A unique compound which can only be produced in the zero-gravity conditions of space. In addition to its incredible strength, Gundanium alloy is electrically nonconductive and cannot be detected by radar. However, this material is expensive and difficult to manufacture, making it unfeasible for mass production.

Mobile suit: A humanoid vehicle operated by a human pilot. Military mobile suits stand about 16 meters tall, and carry hand weapons like machine guns, beam rifles, and beam sabers. Most are designed for a specific environment - land, space, air or water - though the Alliance's standard Leo model is flexible enough to be adapted for both land and space use. 




Some more terms that you see in Gundam Wing Fan Fiction:

Japanese to English:

yaoi= boy to boy relationship

yuri= girl to girl relationship

omae o korosu= "I'm going to kill you."

kawii= cute

onna= woman


Heero's Famous words: "Omae o korosu"

Wufei's Famous Words: "INJUSTICE",You're a weakling.

Quatre's Famous Words: Stop fighting.