Information: Relena Peacecraft Zechs Merquise Lucrezia Noin Lady Une Trieze Khushrenada Hilde Schbeiker Sally Po Dorothy Catelonia Catherine Bloom
Welcome everyone to GWU: Gundam Wing Universe!!!
Please feel free to send me an e-mail with questions or comments at Updates: 08.27.01- More pictures were added into the photo gallery. 08.16.01- Maganac section done in the mecha section. 08.11.01- Lots of new sections added. 02.05.01- Added the Doujinshi section in the Picture Gallery. 02.06.01- Added poll, guestbook, and pass it on. 02.17.01- Added Game links.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Gundam Wing and I never will. They belong to someone else.