

Heero Yuy

Duo Maxwell

Trowa Barton

Quatre Raberba Winner

Chang Wufei

Relena Peacecraft

Zechs Merquise

Lucrezia Noin

Lady Une

Trieze Khushrenada

Hilde Schbeiker

Sally Po

Dorothy Catelonia

Catherine Bloom






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Mission: Pass-It-On




Heero Yuy

"Life is cheap...especially mine."

"The ones after your life and the targets you aim to defeat, are always the enemy."

"I told you before, it's all right for humans to act according to their feelings."

"The more you fight, the more you waste the lives sacrificed in the name of peace. You should have realized it by now!"

"Assumptions lead to mistakes."

"Tell me, Wufei ... How many more do we have to kill? How many times do I have to kill that little girl and that puppy? Zero won't tell me anything ... Tell me, Wufei ..."

"Zero ... are you still operational? ... Well, then ... This is our final strike."

"Peace is no more than an outcome after the fighting has ended."

“Quatre, because the Earth is one big battlefield, I will go there and fight. And you have to join me as well. We’re Gundam pilots. We’re only allowed to live in a battlefield. For us, to live truly means survival in a war zone.”

"Hey Zechs, according to Zero you have no future. Is Epyon telling you differently?"

"Quatre, I can see my enemies clearly now. If you become my enemy, I'll kill you."

"Where are my enemies?!"

"Just like Relena, this guy who calls himself 'Duo' is no more than an obstacle to completing my mission."

"Peace is nothing but a result of war."

"I'll kill Zechs. That will be my way of showing thanks."

"If everything has gone crazy then I'll believe in myself & keep fighting. Quatre, I'm going to kill you."

"I think they like you better."

"Mission accomplished."

"Do as you like. It is your country."

"I'm fighting thru this longer than anyone. Longer than anyone on Earth. Longer than Relena of the Sank Kingdom."

"Botched your mission? You couldn't destroy the base & you didn't kill Dr. J & the others." ( To Duo)

"I kill crazy people."

"Then I'll give you just one piece of advice....dying hurts like hell."

"I'll eliminate all obstacles."

"Mission acknowledged."

"We have to fight if we want to survive."

"Wufei, hit your self destruct button!"

"The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions."

"For us, I guess the meaning of life lies in surviving battles."

"Of course I can do it. I'm a Gundam pilot, aren't I?"

"I'm not a pacifist."

"When nothing makes sense, I'll fight believing only in myself."

"You're in the way. Get lost!" ( To Relena)

"I've been counting on your skills right from the start." ( said to Duo. )

"I'm telling you, hit your self destruct button!"

"From the point of view of a planet's life, the life of a living thing lasts no more than an instant.  But in the end, it is only themselves that humans can think of." 

"Don't think ill of me. Now we're even."

"Quatre, I will kill you."

"Wherever I go its the same 'cause fighting is...all I can do."

"I'll destroy you."

"Relena, I'm going to kill you [Omae o korosu]."

"I don't believe in God."

"Nobody is strong, all of humanity is weak!"

"Don't complain. Try to get well soon." (to Duo)

"I don't consider the other Gundam pilots my comrades. I've never had any comrades from the start."

"How many more times must I lose that girl & her dog?"

"Mariemaia is dead ... I ... I won't kill anymore ... I don't have to kill anymore ..."

"Those who stand before me with the desire to kill me, they're my enemies."

"In that case, I've got one warning: It hurts like hell!" He's talking about dying.

"I've been lost since the day I was born."

"I will never kill anyone ever again. I don't have too anymore."

"If she dies, the World Nation and this false peace will disappear. Relena, I'll kill you."

"I've been lost ever since I was born."

"When people stop fighting battles for themselves war becomes nothing more than a game."

"My future, my death!"

"Why'd you save me? I was supposed to die with honor." ( To Trowa)

"You're in over you're head. Say goodbye, Relena."

"No, stop it. Don't go doing that. Stop it Epyon!"

"You're in the way. Get lost." (to Relena)

"A failed mission means death, but my card hasn't come up yet."

"People can't live without hope."

"Earth. The planet in the solar system that miraclously gave birth to life. In the year 195 A.C. with the development of the colonys people now live in new surroundings. Thanks to plentiful 

Duo Maxwell

"If you're joking that's cruel, but if you're being sarcastic that's even worse." --Duo, Endless Waltz

"Damn, I'm gonna have nightmares over this one."--Duo, Gundam Wing.  

"Anyone who sees me has a got a date with his maker."

"How come I ended up to be the bad guy here?"

"I'm gonna have nightmares over this one!"

"He [Heero] just goes & puts a broken bone back into place. Man, that just totally grosses me out, thinkin' about it!"

"Excuse me for being a mere mortal!" {I'm gonna start saying this to people when they laugh at my mistakes.}

"Why did I even bother to rescue this guy [Heero] in the first place? He's anti-social, thinks he's Evil Knevil & hardley speaks!"

[ To Quatre]: "Stay outta my way Ya' want me to shoot ya'?"

"They're cheerin for us, Superstar. [To Heero, again]"

"Well, she's not your average chick, wanting to see the guy trying to kill her. [To Heero, about Relena, obviously]"

"Hey, good lookin'! Pretty nice day today, huh? Well, gotta get to class, I'll see ya later!"{The fact that he says this to Relena makes it that much funnier!}

"I might run & hide but i never tell a lie."

"I'm so ashamed I could die."

"Why is it we have to die in a place like this?"

-"Well, if Deathscythe goes down, I don't have much longer myself."

-"I don't wanna copy Heero, but tag along...on my journey into Hell!!"

-"Not my lucky day; can't even self-detenate." {Oh darn! *sarcasm*}

-[ To Heero]: "Hey! You're really gonna shoot me, arent ya?!"

-"Why is it always the quiet guys that end up doing things the flashiest ways?"

-"Hey listen Deathscythe. Dont give up too easily. You're gonna be ok right? You're gonna come out just fine."

-"Count on it baby, I'll be there."

-"But mama told me real men never scream out loud."

-"Just watch me, I'll become the god of Death once again. But right now, I need some sleep."

-"This is such a lame way to die. This is so not cool." {To fully appreciate this quote, you really need to hear his tone of voice when he says this}

-"The Gundams cant afford to lose at this point, not now."

-"[ To Officer Trent]: "If you were to lose, it wouldnt be to me! You'd be losing to the Wing Zero."

-"If anyone were capable of it [handling Zero], he'd be superior to the entire human race."

-"I wonder what true peace really means anyway...Wait! Nothing! Just delete that!" {I just like this one b/c he says "delete that" instead of nevermind or something. Itz a classic Duo moment.}

-"Don't go getting me angry. Not if you value your life!"

-"Who knew i was such a nice guy? After all, I've come here to save the guy who destroyed you before, Deathscythe."

-"If we fight then the people dont have to."

-[ To Noin]: "You shouldnt be getting your hopes up too high. Im not really the most devoted guy around." {Oh come now Duo-chan, that cant be true!}

-"The god of Death is back & he's back with a bang!"

-"Sneakin' in unnoticed is one of my specialties."

 Trowa Barton  

 "This is Battle 001. Pilot's name: Trowa, for the record."

"Without resolutions we cannot fight."

"Enemies are necessary. That's a soldier's fate."

[ To Heero]: "So, I will do as you have done. I'll simply follow my emotions."

"It'll be my last grand stand show."

"Everything this guy does is completely thorough and well thought out." [About Heero]

"That girl's tears [Catherine's] stopped me."

"Those who have laid eyes on a Gundam shall not live to tell about it." 

"It's gonna be a difficult battle. But right now I'm sensing peace in our five hearts."

"Those sparkles...they're my tears." {Right after blowing up Deathscythe! 

"This isn't like the Quatre i know."

"The kinder you are, the bigger the toll it takes on you."

"Don't be too hard on Quatre, Heero." {Awwwwww!}

"I've got a home to go back to."

"One should never give up till the end!"  

Quatre Raberba Winner

"I told you, you should have surrendered."

"Do they know how beautiful Earth is?" {Try telling that to all those idiots polluting it out there.}

[ To Trowa]: "Put your hands down. I was the 1st one to surrender & come out, remember?"

"Goodbye, friend Trowa!" {Ha ha ha! My sister loves this quote because itz so dumb! Bad translation from the Japenese i suspect.}

"Roger tha, Heero. I'm gonna stake my life on you."

"They're violent & dangerous but they're all really nice guys."{Way to contradict yourself, Quatre-chan.}

"The soul of outer space tells me."

"I promise, one day my Gundam will definetly fight again."

"To outer space, every one of us!"

"C'mon Sandrock, stand up! Itz way too early to be defeated yet!"

"I thank you, my dear Sandrock."

"C'mon everyone, together. Let's protect outer space."

"I will never forget this day. You people, I'll make sure that you don't either. You wont forget this day!!!" {Followed by some scary laughter.}

"It seems I have tears in my eyes. But I'm not one bit sad."

"Outer space has gone crazy. I'm gonna use this Gundam to destroy it all!"

"This Gundam [Wing Zero] is a mistake."

"Heero, we can't die yet!"

"Wars are payed with human lives."

"Once a dream is lost, then really everything is lost."

"You should never try to fight your kindness."

"Now i get it! Itz  Heero who's the heart of outer space!"    

Chang Wufei

"That won't stop me! I'm going after Treize!"

"Stupid move, getting emotional."

"I am no longer able to fight. Denounce me, Nataku."

"The ones who are right have to be strong!"

"Nataku, you & I have to become a whole lot stronger."

"All evil that chooses to fight in outer space is my enemy!"

"Nataku, we cannot afford to bite the dust at this stage!"

"C'mon Zero, show me what you've got!"

I can fight on my own! I'll keep fighting alone until the day I die!" {Yeah, go Wu-chan! You tell 'em!}

"If you're only defensive, you limit yourself."

"I didn't think I'd win." {After he kills Treize.

Zechs Marquise

-"Consider ourselves fortunate b/c we made it out alive after an encounter with a Gundam."

-"There's a jinx that once you see a Gundam you will not come out alive."

-"If one makes a decision with a cool head, he won't find himself regretting that decision later."

-"This mobile suit [Tallgeese] is capable of defeating any enemy it faces. But it does have one weak point: the pilot is a human being."

-"My hands, they are too stained with blood."

-"As a fellow mobile suit pilot, he [Heero] was someone that I was destined to do battle with."

-"Wars are heartless."

-"And now I cannot be your friend anymore. Farewell, Treize."

-"That man is dead -- Zechs Merquise."

-"Outer space; itz so quiet." {I love this quote b/c he says it right after the whole thing w/ Quatre's father & Quatre laughing like a maniac. Itz really nice timing.}

-"I switch between 2 masks. My experience in battle has taught me to be cunning like that."

-"Tallgeese, the reason I made it this far was because of you. I'm eternally grateful."

-"Rest in peace, my admirable friend. [Tallgeese]."

-"The most annoying & fearful enemies in the universe: The Gundams." 


-"He says for you to be more graceful about everything. More graceful _Lady_ Une." {OOOOO! I love this part soooo much!}

-"The Sank Kingdom is like a candle flickering in the wind."  


-"The emotions of those who are thought to be beautiful are always full of sorrow."

-"I'm telling you I want to be a loser."

-"You pilots, you musn't die yet."

-"In that case, your battles will never end, since your enemy is destiny itself."

-"Bye Wufei, my eternal friend. I'm honored I could fight with you pilots."

Lady Une

-"High emotions lead to extreme choices."

-"The charm of you pilots threw everything out of order."

-"But please continue shining, brave warriors, and let me contunue loving you."

-"I am like a body that has lost its soul."  


"One's strength is in the mind & one's mind is a battle with oneself."


"Hey OZ, you're going to seriously regret that you kept us alive. Not to mention the pilots."

-"He [Quatre] has the ability to bring the 5 Gundam pilots together."

-[ To Quatre]: "Or if you'd rather, go insane! That's what wars to do people."


"[I designed] a masterpiece I called the Gundam Deathscythe. The others are a fluke."

-"But you've got to be persistant to get anything out of life."

-"I guess quiet friends attract quiet people."-Catherine

-"The foundation of our future will be built by these mobile suits."-Sally

-"Calling them [the Gundam pilots] righteous might really be a sad thing, since it forces them to be seen as modern heroes."-Sally

-"Death is merely an end result given to you at your birth."-Dorothy 

Relena Peacecraft

"God will never forgive you for something like this, Miliardo!"

Endless Waltz

-"I will rule the world."-Mariemaia

-"History is much like an endless waltz. The 3 beats of war, peace, & revolution continue on forever."-Mariemaia

-"Anything at all for the one you love." [Directed at Heero after he says that he is leaving b/c Relena has been kidnapped.]"-Duo

-"So this'll end everything, will it?"-Duo

-"The god of Death. Well, itz a lot better than being the hero of a massacre."-Duo

-"Names are things other people give ya. There's no point wasting time worrying. What's important is that we have a place we can call home."-Duo

-"There is nothing more precious than life in this universe."-Quatre

-[ To Maguanac Corps]: "Say 'hi' to the goddess of Venus!"-Quatre

-"Humanity did not change. Although all enemies were defeated, Earth did not change one bit!"-Wufei

-"But i find i cannot quietly sleep in my grave while Treize's spirit is still roaming among us."-Zechs

-"If people allow Mariemaia to do as she wishes, they'll end up giving birth to a second Miliardo Peaceraft,"-Zechs

-"It seems Noin & Zechs have disappeared somewhere."-Sally



Duo: Really, can't you use your head for once?

Heero: You have one too.

Duo: What?!


Sally: Thanks Duo, you left some cake for us.

Duo: If that was a joke it sucked, and if you were being sarcastic, it was even worse.


Heero: Relena has been abducted.

Duo: Hai, hai. Now that is what I call infatuation.


Duo: Man, where in the world has Heero gone?

Trowa: Out on the Virgo carrier we've recovered. You know where he;s headed.

Duo: But how come he left Wing Zero? What's he gonna have a fist fight with Zechs?

Wufei: Knowing him, he'll fight whatever way he can.

Quatre: Well...I'm pretty sure that's not the only reason he went out there. 

Duo: Wait a minute! You mean he went over there to save that girl?

Quatre: Yeah! 


Duo: Hey, you could've at least come to help me. There's nothing wrong with helping out a friend in need, now is there?

Trowa: I wasn't waiting for you. I've been waiting for someone else. {Slam! Trowa is mean right here!}

Duo: Huh?

[Sally enters]

Sally: Sorry to keep you. All hostages have been rescued.

Trowa: Ok. Let's go.

Duo: Oh, i see. So this is who ya meant. {Duo's attempt to get Trowa back for being mean to him. He says this in a *wink wink* kinda voice.}

Sally: Well, thank you Duo. You were kind enough to leave me plenty of good treats.

Duo: If you're joking. that's cruel. But if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse! {My fave quote of the whole movie. At the end of it, he turns up that cute little nose of his in a perfect snub to Sally! Sooooo funny!}




